March 27, 2010


I saw this recipe on Food Network, and it looked really yummy, so this morning my son C asked if I could make some for breakfast. It is like a cinnamon bun, but just a different twist on it and they were so good, and the boys had a blast helping make them!


4 Tablespoons Butter melted
2 Cups Milk
1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vanilla
1 Tablespoon Instant Yeast
4 Cups Flour
2 teaspoons Salt


1 Cup White Sugar
3 Tablespoons Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Butter melted


(1) Pre heat oven at 200, lightly oil a large bundt pan or other baking pan
(2) Put dough hook in mixer, add melted butter, milk, brown sugar, vanilla and yeast. Mix for a few minutes then add flour and salt. Mix until dough comes together and pulls away from sides of bowl, put dough in large bowl that has been oiled and place in preheated oven to rise 1 hour, when you put the dough in oven to rise, turn the oven off.
(3) When dough has risen take out of oven, pour melted butter in a bowl, mix the cinnamon and sugar in another bowl.
(4) Punch dough down, then take some dough into your hand and roll into a small ball (about the size of a golf ball) roll ball ain melted butter, then roll into cinnamon/sugar mixture, layer in bundt pan like picture below. If you have extra butter and sugar mixture pour over.

(5) Put pan in oven to rise again, for 45 minutes, until dough balls have risen to top of pan

(6) Heat oven to 350, then when oven is nice and hot bake Monkey Bread for 40 minutes. When done take a plate put pan upsidde down on it, and the bread will fall out but will be all otgether, let it cool slightly, then pull the bread apart and enjoy!


  1. mmm, I make something very similar!

    So yummy! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog!


  2. that looks very good I am going to us it for our Ladies tea on May 1.
