March 24, 2010


There is nothing like homemade chicken noodle soup when you are sick with a cold, to make you feel better, but I don't have chickens I just have wild fowl in my freezer, and hungarian partridge is one of them, the wild meat adds flavour to the broth that chicken just cannot do, for those who don't know what a hungarian partridge is, it is a very small bird that is in quite abundance out here, the picture below shows the size and what they look like, these are cooked already! they are small enough that I can put 3 on a dinner plate, and you would eat like any other kind of bird!

3 Hungarian Partridges feet taken off
3 Bay Leaves
2 star Aniseed
3 Tablespoons chopped Parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste
Put birds into stock pot, put enough water in to cover partridges, bring to a boil, when boiling put in seasonings and simmer for 2-3 hours. serve over cooked noodles!
The meat is seasoned from the broth, so you can use it in casseroles, sandwiches or whatever you like!

1 comment:

  1. Yes we as kids had this kind at home. It tastes very good
