January 24, 2013


I was craving beef roast today, but I only thought of it around lunch time, I was hoping it would be defrosted by the time I wanted to stick it in the oven, but alas it wasn't, it was still quite frozen, but that worked to my advantage, I had it in the oven for 3 hours, and the meat was juicy and moist, and oh so yummy!!
1/2 Cup of crushed Basil
2 Tablespoons Salt
2 Tablespoons of freshly ground Pepper
Roll your Roast in this mixture making sure to get all areas, put 3 Tablespoons of oil in a pan, and get it hot, when the oil is hot, put your roast in and sear it till you have a nice crust, do this to all sides, when it is seared, take it out and put it on a plate, not you will have all those wonderful bits on the bottom of your pan, add a couple of squirts of worchestershire sauce in the pan, and scrape the bottom of the pan to get the bits off, add some water to the pan, when that has been scraped off, add a little bit of gravy powder, to flavour it. put this liquid in a roaster ( i used my cast iron dutch oven, keep even heat wonderfully) put the roast into it, add a quartered onion as well, put the lid on and into a 300 degree oven, ( or if you have convection then 250 degree) let that slow cook for 3 Hours. When it is done take roast out and put on cutting board to rest for 10 minutes to let the juices run back.
Take the juices in the pan, and add 1 Tablespoon of gravy mix, whisk that, the liquid will be runny, we put that over our roast and over rice that I had made, it was wonderful, add veggies, and you have a different kind of Sunday Pot Roast!
Happy Eating!

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