March 16, 2010


My oldest son C tried these and wanted me to make them, I had never heard of german pancakes before, and I thought where in the world am I going to get the recipe, then it came to me, I bet you it would be in the Mennonite Treasury, so I looked and sure enough it was, they are very easy to make, and you can serve them with anything, dip them in sugar pour syrup over, or do like my youngest son J did today, spread crabapple jam on it and then roll it up. Very tasty!

1 1/2 Cups Flour

1/2 tsp Salt

3 Eggs

1 3/4 Cups Milk

Make a well in the flour and add salt, unbeaten eggs and 1 Cup of the milk. Beat with mixer until there are no lumps, then add rest of milk, and keep beating until you have a nice thin batter (it will be runny) Heat a iron skillet (pancakes work best in it) brush butter on, pour 1/4 of the batter in pan, and move it around until you have a thin layer, and it covers entire bottom of pan, cook until batter is set. Then flip over and cook until golden brown underneath!


  1. Mmmm, These look yummy!
    Prince Charming lets me sleep in every Saturday morning while he makes pancakes with the girls. Then they all run upstairs and tickle me and tell me breakfast is ready! I love it!
    I will share this recipe with him as he is always looking for new recipes to try!
    Thanks again,

  2. You've never heard of german pancakes? Mom use to make these all the time! They are also called crepes. I make these periodically but Landis prefers your other pancake recipe. I like the flat ones because you can roll them up and dip them in sugar or spread a fruit jam on them. We usually have pancakes for breakfast on Saturdays so maybe I will make the flat ones today!! :)

  3. Jody that is so neat, that is definitly making memories with your family!

    Lucille, No I have never heard of german pancakes, never knew flat pancakes were called that, LOL, I learned something new, they are very tasty!
