February 4, 2013


Sorry I haven't posted in a week, I have been battling a real bad head cold! but I am on the mend, but we now have stomach flu! but not me, phew!

For supper today, I just kinda threw some things together, really leftovers in the fridge,(those meals I find are the best) and it was delish!

This recipe is for 1 serving, for more just double or triple the recipe!


1/2 cup Mushrooms                                      
1/2 cup chopped Onions
1 sliver of Garlic chopped
2 cups cooked Rice
1/4 cup shredded Carrots
1 teaspoon Butter
1 teaspoon oil
1-2 Tablespoon Garlic StirFry Sauce

Seasonings: To Taste

Seasoning Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper


(1) Make sure your pan is hot before you put the Butter and Oil in,  saute the Mushrooms and Onions until tender
(2) Add the  chopped Garlic and Rice and let that saute together until the rice is heated through
(3) Then add the shredded carrots and season to your taste, simmer all for just a bit
(4) Add the Stirfry Sauce mix together and serve with your favorite meat or just eat it by itself!